Sunday, August 22, 2010

Copy, Right?

The clenched fist. The admonition to join the revolution. Looking at these two images, you'd probably assume that Howard Stern wants you to buy whatever Triton Digital is selling. Of course, you'd be wrong. The two have nothing to do with each other. The Howard Stern ad likely goes back as far as 2005, before his show's debut on then Sirius Satellite Radio. The Triton ad and imaging doesn't appear on their website in any way and I've never seen it online before. I found this ad on a geeky radio website called It seems that, according to their website, " Triton Digital Media provides local media companies with technology and services to grow their brands, their audiences, their distribution, and their revenue. We provide solutions to meet our client’s needs in the digital age."
In other words, they do sales, videos, audio, websites, training and app development for TV, radio, print, and other local media.
They're trying to sell their services to radio people. So, they probably know a thing or two about radio, right? Do you think they knew that they were copying Sirius/XM radio's branding for the Howard Stern show? Could this be just an amazing coincidence? More on this in my next posting.

I sent several electronic communications to the Howard 100 News team. Unfortunately, they never responded to my inquiries. Apparently, they're more interested in detailing every aspect of Gary dell'Abate's diseased toe nails.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Steve Spurrier Top Ten List

Ah, it's that time of year again. The pads are cracking. The band is rehearsing. Florida is getting ready to play Miami. Of Ohio. It must mean that college football is about to consume many Saturdays for millions nationwide real soon. When I think of college football, I imagine cool, breezy, fall afternoons in the deep south, where gold and auburn leaves frame a packed erector set of a stadium that's been expanded so many times, it's now jammed with crowds of rabid fans so numerous that there are more people in the stadium than in all of the surrounding towns combined (run on sentence alert!). And this year, I know you're wondering about the same thing I am: Why can't South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier match the success he had in Gainesville, FL, in his new home in Columbia, South Carolina? After much deliberation, I've developed a Top Ten list that makes it all make sense:

10. I've been to Columbia. I spent a month there one day.
9. When recruits learn USC is in Columbia, they refuse the offers citing their lack of Spanish. It's also not the other USC.
8. Several recruits actually boarded flights for Colombia (the other one).
7. Do you really want to be known as a Gamecock for the rest of your life?
6. Gamecock. Isn't that illegal, Mr. Vick?
5. South Carolina Democrats just nominated an unemployed, alleged sexual predator who can barely speak in complete sentences and can't explain where his filing fee came from, for a seat in the United States Senate.
4. In Gainesville, Spring Break doesn't require a Greyhound ticket.
3. South Carolina still displays the Confederate flag on a monument on the state capital grounds. Welcome to 1861.
2. Even Governor Sanford couldn't find a girlfriend in South Carolina.
1. You get plenty of training in creative thinking in Gainesville figuring out new ways each year why you can't play Miami, FL in football. Go 'Canes!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drawing Obama

If you have no life, like me, you may be interested in this cartoon by Pulitzer Prize winning Miami Herald cartoonist Jim Morin. You may also be interested that they printed my response to it a few days later. After my wife saw it, she alerted me that they misspelled my name. She said it should have been L-O-S-E-R.
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