Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do Republicans Hate Small Businesses?

Above is my letter to the editor that appeared in The Miami Herald on Friday, January 21, 2011. House Republicans successfully voted to repealLink the 2010 health insurance reform law. Of course, it was grandstanding at it's finest: they knew there was no chance it would pass the Senate or survive a presidential veto. But they insisted they had to do it since they promised the voters they would. Of course, they also promised not to kill jobs or raise taxes, which this would clearly do. In fact, the non partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that this repeal would add 230 billion dollars to the deficit and leave 32 million more people uninsured as detailed here:

Amazingly, the bill that they want repealed is remarkably similar to what Republicans proposed in 1993 in opposition to Hillary Clinton's proposed reforms as detailed in this chart compiled by non partisan Kaiser Health News. The difference today? It wasn't their idea this time.