Large, 98 point type, (or whatever) should only be used in a newspaper to display the most urgent, important news. It lends gravity to the story and puts it in perspective. This was lost on our friends at the Sun Sentinel a few years ago when they launched a childish new design that encourages this sort of screaming every day. Now, if the sensationalized story is actually news, that's one thing. But when it's a weather prediction, front page, above the fold, that teases a story that's not even in the A section, it feels silly. It's sillier still, (O.K., stupid) when said prediction never comes true. There wasn't a drop anywhere to be found, and I've got the wilted, withering grass to prove it, despite the fact that it rained here Friday morning. The good news is that my daughters' 6th and 4th birthday party was high and dry. Actually, I think the person who decided that this front page was a good idea, was probably having his/her party at Chuck E. Cheese's that day, too.
Sun Sentinel Broward Edition26 Jun 2010